Monthly Archives: October 2010
Not one of our pets
I meant to post this a couple of weeks ago, but never got around to it. The spider, seen below, is not one of our pets. Admittedly, he was inside and he was hanging off of our archway, and he was large enough to count as a pet. But, unfortunately, we decided we didn’t really … Continue reading
Seen on the Maple City Walk
Seen on the Maple City Walk (in no particular order) Many happy walkers talking amiably with one another. Someone said that there were 170 walkers. A few runners who did not look quite so happy at the midway point. They looked more like they were in pain. Mist covering the trail at CR 31. A … Continue reading
The Pantry
This is our wonderful pantry – Fall 2010. Pickles from 2009 are on the top three shelves on the left. Middle top has cherries from 2010 and blueberry jam from 2009. Going down a shelf are more 2009 pickles, 2008 chutney, 2009 kale, 2009 Victoria sauce, and 2010 hot peppers and 2010 tomatillo salsa. Going … Continue reading
Sometimes I try to fool myself
There are times when I am delusional about what I’m knitting. I start making something and it isn’t turning out quite like I expected and wanted and yet I keep going. That happened with the BIG sweater that I made for Pete. I should have known, while I was knitting it, that it was way … Continue reading