Tagged With: cats
D’Ni Tame Cat
Today, January 7, is the anniversary of the date D’Ni Wild Cat became a house cat. The year was 2001. We were out in our back yard when we spotted her – a little black furry thing hiding under the asparagus. At first we thought soft furry Duncan had gotten out – but this cat … Continue reading
We can’t keep them safe
Today one of the deaf lady’s strays got hit by a vehicle right outside our driveway. I went over to her house to let her know and she followed me. When she saw the kitty, lying still on the road, she cried out, gently scooped it up, and carried it home. How does she bear … Continue reading
Tribute to Macallan
“If you want a lap cat and a purr machine, then get an orange male cat.” That was what a vet friend said to us when we were considering getting a second cat to keep Camille company. Later that summer, Macallan was found, a little kitten in the middle of a road, rescued and put … Continue reading
My poor Macallan. In his old age, with wobbly legs, he braves the wide outdoors. For years we could not coax him to go outside. But now, that’s where he wants to be. He takes two or three steps, then rests, then shakily gets up to take a few more steps. The simple pleasures for … Continue reading